ERC Consolidator Grant for Paolo Crivelli

Paolo Crivelli has won an ERC Consolidator Grants fo his research proposal of MuMASS, the muonium laser spectroscopy experiment.

by Lars Frieder Gerchow

The aim of Crivelli's ERC project is to explore the nature of muons and muoniums with unprecedented accuracy. This could provide the key to answering fundamental questions such as why matter dominates the universe. Based on his expertise in the area of research: the physics of exotic atoms, simple systems which inhibit antimatter such as antihydrogen or positronium (electron-​positron) and muonium (electron-​antimuon) he was able to convince the jury. These systems allow testing the standard model of particle physics in a complementary way to high-​energy experiments. An exact comparison of the matter-​antimatter systems could explain the asymmetry observed in our universe. The experiment will be conducted at the world's strongest continuous muon source, the Paul Scherrer Institute.

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